
Kamchatka Snow Sheep hunting with ProfiHunt 2022, borders are open!

Regardless of what they say Russia is open for travelers no matter of their country of origin, this August has started with US hunter from Georgia, Mr. Lee Friend safely arrived Moscow with his rifle and shotgun and headed to Kamchatka.
The plan was Kamchatka Snow Sheep & Kamchatka Brown Bear combo, long story short 100% success rate it’s about Russia, just in a 4 days Mr. Friend got both of his trophies and took his returning flight.
Sincerest congratulation to our hunter!

Don’t listen the rumors, trust only facts, a dozen of foreign hunters from US and Europe already visited Russia this August and more are about to come, it’s going to be fantastic season after 2 years of COVID. Stay tuned, soon we will share with you the latest results!

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