ProfiHunt Services

ProfiHunt is a professional Russian outfitter and its staff always stays behind the clients with full-service support and controls that every aspect of your hunting trips from your arrival to your departure goes exactly as it is planned. Our services include meet&greet, visa support documents, gun permits, all necessary international veterinary certificates, CITES permits.

Hunting packages

Ask for hunting package details and special prices for your dream hunts via

  • Website just completing our Hunting request
  • Email  
  • Skype Profihunt-asia“>profihunt-asia, custom declaration.

    Our representative will meet you with the original of your gun import permit after the passport control at the baggage claim or near the red channel (customs control zone).
    Once you have finalized all formalities you will be transferred to either the domestic airport for the next flight or to a hotel which we will pre-book for you. Mainly we try to book the hotels near the airport of arrival to avoid the delays caused by Moscow traffic. If you have enough time we can book a hotel in the city center for you to visit historical and cultural places of Moscow. The information about some city hotels you can find here Moscow hotels.

    Hunting in Asia and Europe
    Our representative or the local outfitter will meet you in the customs control zone to help out with the guns.
    Hunting in Mongolia, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan: the following morning after your arrival you will be picked up from the hotel for the car transfer or domestic flight to the hunting area.
    Hunting in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and almost all Europe: you will be transported to the hunting area right after the arrival and customs formalities.

    The Guides and Interpreter guides

    The local guides and interpreter guides will be with you during your hunt. Be sure and express your desire to the interpreter or ProfiHunt representative in the hunting area as to what you would like to do in the way of hunting, accommodation and “your likes and dislikes”. Put all your impressions into the hunting protocol.

    Each member of our team, both in the fields and in the office provides you with full time support during your traveling within Russia, CIS and Asia!


    2 months ahead of your hunting trip we must receive the detailed filled out copy of your personal info request. The Form is required for both a hunter and an observer as well.


    You must apply for the visa prior to traveling. In some countries, for ex. Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, visas can be obtained upon arrival (please contact for details). Russian visa. The following documents should be submitted to the Russian Embassy or Consulate to obtain your Russian visa: Russian Visa application form that should be completed and signed, 2 passport-type photographs, confirmation letter (invitation) from the authorized Russian Travel company, tourist voucher.

    Having received your personal info ProfiHunt staff provides you with support documents (confirmation letter and tourist voucher) that you need to get your Russian Tourist Visa. This visa type is issued for tourists who have booked accommodation in Russia for non-business reason. Tourist visas are issued for a maximum of 14-30 days.
    Be advised that your passport must be valid 6 months beyond intended stay in Russia.


    Our clients are not covered by any insurance. They are requested to obtain their own insurance.

    Firearm import / export permit

    An import/export permit is required upon your arrival. Well in advance of your hunt we must receive such information as serial numbers, caliber and gun manufacturer details as well as ammunition quantities. Please note that changes are regularly made to the gun control regulations. We will endeavor to keep up to date and advise you of any changes.
    Handguns and bows are strictly forbidden in Russia. Please inquire the destination country regulations if differs.

    ProfiHunt staff provides you with the gun import permit. The copy of the document is sent to you in a week before your arrival. The original of the gun import permit you get from our representative upon your arrival. You should keep the document till your departure.

    Veterinary and CITES permits

    Prior to your hunt we are to inform you about the possibility of getting the trophy out of the country. It depends on certain specie and a country of export and import. In majority of cases it is enough to have the international veterinary certificate being received by our representative in the veterinary department of the airport on the day of your departure.
    If according to the regulations of the destination country the trophies cannot be introduced right after the hunt, we forward the trophies to a taxidermy studio for dip, pack and further airfreight to the destination of your choice, while the necessary documents are pending.

    Some species require a CITES export and import permit. CITES Permits are required for: Marco Polo argali, Brown Bear, Wolf, and Lynx. It is important that you are in possession of relevant CITES permits issued by the county you will be importing your trophies to. Owing to various complications involved in obtaining CITES Permits, we strongly recommend you to select a taxidermist in the country of final destination before commencing your safari. Your taxidermist, wildlife department or agricultural agency will be able to advise you on your destinations particular CITES and import regulations.
    For more information about CITES please visit

    ProfiHunt staff provides you with the CITES export permit. It can be issued before the hunt or after it.
    As soon as CITES export permit is ready, you get the copy of the document by e-mail or by fax and can proceed with your import permit if needed. Export and other documentation are processed on your behalf.


    International flights
    Before booking and buying your international tickets, please, check with your ProfiHunt manager the comprehensible time of your arrival/departure Moscow. Be advised that to change the international airport for the domestic one on the day of your arrival you must have a gap of 6-7 hours in between for the transfer.
    Please be aware, that you can arrive to one airport and depart from the other one placed in the other part of the city. If you stay overnight in Moscow upon arrival/departure, choice of the airport and time of arrival/departure is free.

    Domestic flights
    It is ProfiHunt responsibility to book domestic flights for you. You should just let us know the class of the tickets you would like us to arrange, business or economy. You get your tickets upon arrival to the country of your hunt.

    Luggage regulations

    Luggage regulations and rules vary from airline to airline so it is a necessity that you check with each airline you will be using or your travel agent the particular requirements of traveling with firearms. Do not bring too much luggage with you as you will pay high overweight charges within Russia. That is why, please, check with your ProfiHunt manager the overweight fees you have to pay on your way to the hunting area and return to determine the ideal luggage weight to be taken with.

    Please, contact us for any questions via:

    You are always welcome!

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