
Suleiman markhor, blue sheep and afghan urial hunting in Pakistan

This spring, Benderskiy Eduard experienced the great journey, real expedition to Pakistan. He hunted Blue sheep at the north of the country, in Gilgit Baltistan. Extreme temperatures and high elevation over 5000 m (16000 ft) together with severe conditions, became a true challenge for our hunter. The Suleiman markhor and Afghan urial combo took place at the west of Pakistan, on the boarder with Afghanistan, Quetta region. After the harsh north, hunting in Quetta was a real present, mild weather with comfortable temperature pleased the hunter. As a result, 3 beautiful trophies added to the collection.
We sincerely congratulate Eduard Benderskiy and invites you to attend Pakistan next season with ProfiHunt!

Sincere congratulations to our devoted customer for having taking a great 50 ...
The hunting season in Pakistan ...
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