
Marco Polo (hume argali) hunting in Kyrgyzctan: 100% success rate!


The results of our Marco Polo (Hume Argai) hunting season 2017 in Kyrgyzstan is a common joy and pride of our customers and us! For the past season we had a 100% success rate and a really perfect trophy quality! In Kyrgyzstan a hunter can successfully add a Mid-Asian Ibex to a Marco Polo (Hume Argali) trophy and thus harvest both trophies on one trip – what a great combination and a chance!
Book your Marco Polo (Hume Argali) hunting in Kyrgyzstan for 2018 and visit us at the upcoming shows in USA and Europe in January – February 2018!

Sincere congratulations to our devoted customer for having taking a great 50 ...
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