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Markhor, Sindh & Himalayan Ibex, Urial hunting in Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the most important hunting destinations. A great variety of mountain species attracts hunters from all over the world. It is the land of contrasts rich in high mountain peaks, vast glaciers, large lakes and green valleys. Our professional guides and staff will take care of you during the entire length of your stay in Pakistan.

Species that can be taken:

  • Sindh Ibex
  • Blandford Urial
  • Blue Sheep
  • Afghan Urial
  • Punjab Urial
  • Himalayan Ibex
  • Astor Markhor
  • Kashmir Markhor
  • Suleiman Markhor

Hunting season:

Hunting season in Pakistan runs from November to April. The best time for most of the species are December & January.

How to get there:

The main airport of arrival for hunters is Islamabad, there are several daily flights to the capital of Pakistan. Upon arrival to Islamabad you will be met by our representative and assisted through the custom and rifle clearance. We do everything possible to expedite the custom procedures with maximum comfort and minimum time spending.


Transportation between the areas is done by 4×4 vehicles, spot-and-stalk is done by feet. Some of the areas have a difficult terrain; considerable climbing is involved especially during the Blue Sheep hunt that brings you to 16.000 ft. altitude.


For most of the species, the accommodation is organized at the guest houses or mini hotels close to the hunting area. During Himalayan Ibex and Blue Sheep hunts we use tents extensively.


Although the climate of the region is extremely diverse depending on the area and elevation, yet mainly it remains under the grip of severe cold from November to April.

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