
Capercaille and black grouse hunting in Russia!

Сapercaillie and black grouse combination hunt is one of the most popular Spring ones in Russia, which has its fans and admirers. This is an opportunity to gather a group of friends and go on a short, but an exciting hunt to share great hunting moments together.
The season lasts only a few days and occurs at the end of April – beginning of May. At this time, in addition to the remarkable trophies of Сapercaillie and Black grouse the hunter has the opportunity to get woodcocks in the evenings.
The Spring season is over and we congratulate our hunters-clients who have entrusted us with organizing this hunt this year.
Great emotions and great results – great trophies of birds!
Book the hunt for Capercaillie and Black grouse with Profi Hunt for 2020 season!

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