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Wild Boar hunting in Tajikistan

How to get there:

The best way to arrive to Dushanbe is via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines. We pick you up at the airport, solve all formalities and bring you the same day to the hunting area. The transfer takes 5-6 jours.

Huhting season:

All year

Hunting area:

250 – 300 km from Dushanbe ( South – east )
ProfiHunt Ltd operates in the best areas for a successful Wild Boar hunting.

Ways of hunting:

High seat ( in the night ): June and End of September – middle of October.
Driven hunt (small drives): 20 November – March
Stalking: 20 November – March


3 – 4 hunters for driven hunt (small drives). At least 2 hunters for high seat hunt and 2 – 4 hunters for stalking.


Hunting houses in the village or tents during Summer hunts


1.600 – 2.000 m

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