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Bukharan Marhor in Tajikistan

After several years of no possibility to hunt this magnificent animal, the Government decided to issue a small amount of permits every year.

ProfiHunt Ltd operates in the best areas in Darvaz region (Zigar village) with the best camps and the most experienced guides. Good Mid-Asian Ibex hunting can be added.

How to get there:

We meet you in Dushanbe and our crew assists you through the customs, then you go by a minibus to the hunting area (the trip is about 5 h).

Hunting season:

From September 01 to February 28 (best time after November 20).


In the morning you get into your jeep. During the day you explore the upper edges of the mountains and examine the hillsides, feeding and resting areas through the field glasses. Once the trophy is located, you complete your stalk on foot. You hunt at 6,500 feet. Physical condition is very important for the stalking part of the hunt. A long range shooting up to 400-500 yards is usual.


The camps are located at 5.000 feet. They are warm, clean and comfortable cabins with separate areas for dining, bathing and sleeping and have an electrical generation. You will find good food and quality service.

Tajikistan offers excellent Bukharan Markhor hunts in the best areas of this hunting paradise and this majestic hunt on a very rare species is open again.

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