World Class Taxidermy Studio "The Quality Your Trophy Deserves"
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(EN) Together at the Top!

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After SCI measurements, Brian Bailey’s Marco Polo harvested with ProfiHunt in Tajikistan became #4 in the World and was officially included in the SCI Record Book.
We hasten to congratulate Brian with the achievement and entering the World history as the great hunter! It’s a great honor for us as ProfiHunt team to help our clients in becoming the legend!  

This trophy became the second entry of ProfiHunt in SCI Top 10 of all Marco Polo ever registered in the World and we are not going to stop pursuing an ambitious goal to get YOU to the top of the list.

No matter what goals you set for yourself, no matter what heights you strive to achieve, we are at ProfiHunt will always help you to make it true.

Book your hunts and adventures with ProfiHunt, entrust your dream to professionals!

Chers amis chasseurs, L’équipe de ProfiHunt sera ravie de vous accueillir au salon ...
Félicitations à Alexey Kim pour avoir préleve un superbe Markhor du ...
Félicitations à notre chasseur pour le prélevement d'un superbe (128 cm) ...
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