
(EN) Sheep Week — great experience of the first «Online Show».

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The first online show, «Sheep Week», held by the Wild Sheep foundation has started!
ProfiHunt as the pioneer, explores this new and unique opportunity to reach the hunting audience around the World. Global pandemic has temporarily locked everyone within their countries and homes boarders, but it cannot stop us from being and living the life of a real outdoors people!

We invite you to join «Sheep Week» convention and visit ProfiHunt booth to get a great experience and first class hunting offers! We are available for chat, video and conference calls.
You can also reach us via the cell phone +1(775)7373913 (US mountain Time Zone) / +7(926)3756346 (European Time Zone/Moscow) and email: vmprofihunt@gmail.com

Join Today www.SheepWeek.vfairs.com

We look forward to see you Online!

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