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Dear fellow hunters,
Another difficult year has come to the end but with all the ups and downs, we can look at and strive to at a much brighter future in the hunting world. Although we still face closed borders and restrictions, in the time 2021 we were able to send many of our clients to some of our best destinations and to have exceptional trophies.
ProfiHunt team would like to say a big thank you to all our members for their continual support during pandemic.
We expect more loosening of restrictions in 2022 so our clients from around the world will finally be able to hunt as they please.
Imagine hunting in an area that hasn’t seen hunting pressure in two years. We expect some great results.
Our full staff has remained on the job to gather information and keep current on all conditions as they change.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about your hunting desires.
We look forward to getting back what we love — hunting around the world.
In the meantime, keep making plans for your dream hunts. Stay safe and healthy.

Enjoy our new Newsletter : http://profihunt.com/spo/2021_12_spo_en.html

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