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(EN) Sayan Ibex hunting in Russia – new Capra specie is recognized

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We are happy to introduce you the hunting on Sayan Ibex in Russia which has been recently recognized by GSCO as a separate Capra specie.
Our main hunting areas for Sayan Ibex are located in southern Khakassia republic.
The horns of the Sayan Ibex are smaller than the ones of the Altai Ibex. The general color tone of males in the Sayan Mountains, dark stripes in animals are poorly expressed, and in winter plumage they have a monochromatic grayish-brown color.
Sayan Ibex hunting is a very challenging adventure with spike camps involved. Picturesque, scenic views will accompany you during the entire trip in this magnificent country. Our professional guides will lead you through all the stages of this hunt in the most comfortable way. During the day you will explore the upper edges of the mountains and examine the hillsides, feeding and resting areas through the field glasses.
You will spot males, evaluate their size, and then undertake the stalk.
We encourage all of you to come and hunt the new Ibex specie with ProfiHunt in 2022!

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