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(EN) Kharaulakh Snow Sheep hunting – the trip beyond the Arctic Circle

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Kharaulakh snow sheep is the new sub-specie of snow sheep discovered by international team of scientists a few years ago after numerous DNA tests and studying the population.
With no exaggeration we can say this is the only sheep that inhabits the Polar region that makes it unique and desirable trophy.
Among the first international hunters that got this sheep were Renee Snider and Lee Friend, both are hunters from US. Their expedition finished just a few days ago. Despite tiresome logistic – it took them almost 3 days to get from Moscow to the hunting ground, changeable weather – in a couple of days they had all 4 seasons, rainy Fall, severe Winter with heavy snowfall, mild Spring and hot Summer. Despite all the difficulties Lee was able to harvest his sheep on a first day of hunting and Renee on the second day. Or who really knows exactly, it was Polar day when the sun never leaves the sky.
Our sincerest congratulations to Renee and Lee- the Pioneers of Russian Arctic!

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