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(EN) Pamir Ibex in Tajikistan

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Tajikistan is the only huntring destination where a Pamir Ibex can be taken. The average trophy size is 40” – 45” with some trophies taken of 47”.

How to get there:

The most convenient and reliable way to Dushanbe is via Istanbul by Turkish Airlines. We meet you in Dushanbe and take care of all the formalities. A 4×4 van gets the hunters from Dushanbe to the hunting area.

Hunting area

All Tajikistan

Way of hunting

On foot

Hunting season

September – February

Group size

1-4 hunters per camp


Wooden houses – they are warm, clean and comfortable enough with separate areas for dining, bathing and sleeping and have electrical generation. Spike camps are used intensively.

Typical itinerary

Day 1 arrival in Dushanbe, travel to the hunting area
Day 2–8 7-day hunt
Day 9 return to Dushanbe, overnight
Day 10 fly home

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