World Class Taxidermy Studio "The Quality Your Trophy Deserves"
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Becker Präparationsatelier

(EN) Big game hunt in Iran with ProfiHunt

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As it is well known in the hunting community the hunting season in Iran has been shifted for the last few years with a sad regularity. Fortunately to trophy hunters’ satisfaction and joy this year is the second season in a row when hunting in Iran is open and successfully has been carried out. Hunters have returned from their trips with such beautiful and coveted trophies.
In late February – early March of this year our devoted clients and the friends of the company – Viktor Kim and Alexei Kim – were hunting in Iran. A special price offer arranged by Profi Hunt partners has contributed a lot to put in life the long-planned intentions.
We congratulate Victor Kim and Alexey Kim with the wonderful trophies of the Persian desert Ibex and Kerman sheep.
Iran as the destination has impressed our hunters a lot: politically stable country, rich in history, amiable and hospitable people, quality service and a professional hunt preparation, the beauty and the mightiness of the mountains and ranges of the Iranian plateau and, of course, a variety of trophies that you can harvest in this part of the world only!
Iran hunting season of 2018-2019 has been already announced, we have attractive proposals for our clients to offer. Do not miss the opportunity and book your Iran safari with Profi Hunt. For sure it will be one of your lifetime hunting journeys.

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