
(EN) ProfiHunt Newsletter December 2023

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Dear fellow hunters!
We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy 2024!
The hunting season 2023 has come to an end it brought us dozens of new trophies around the World and some of them will soon take their place in the World Record Book.
We are sincerely thankful to all the hunters that entrusted us their adventures, high quality service and first class hunting organization is our priority.
And before we plunge into the pleasant chores festive season, we would like to share with you some latest highlights of 2023.

Искренне поздравляем нашего клиента из Германии с добычей великолепного (128 см) ...
Поздравляем Морозова Дениса с успешным завершением охоты в Марокко, прекрасный трофей ...
Все новости