
(EN) Bow hunting in Russia!

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We are happy to announce that the State Duma has supported the draft law permitting to hunt with bow and arrow. This big progress has been achieved because of a group enthusiasts as Vladislav Reznik, Alexander Egorov and others who had contributed a lot to make it real.
A huge number of hunters in Russia and overseas are greatful for this great undertaking.
We will keep you informed when the law will enter into force.
I was guiding a bow hunter Daniel Trawicki from Wisconsin for Reindeer last August in Greenland first time. It was very exciting and now I have my own bow acquired by Daniel for me.
For sure it is a great future for a bow hunting in Russia.
ProfiHunt will be happy to organize a bow hunting for you in Russia. We believe that Brown Bear hunt in Kamchatka will have a very good success rate for bow hunters. We will do the utmost for those who will challenge to harvest any species of tur or snow sheep with a bow.
Please contact us now !

Vladimir Melnikov
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